THE ANNUAL ST. DYMPHNA FEAST DAY CELEBRATION will again take place on SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2022, at the National Shrine of St. Dymphna in St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Massillon.
Saint Dymphna is the patroness of those with mental and emotional disorders, including depression, anxiety, autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological conditions. We all know of someone who needs her intercession.
Fr. A. Edward Gretchko will celebrate the solemn festal Mass at 2:00 p.m. Veneration of her relic and novena will be held before Mass starting at 1:00 pm. Fellowship and light refreshments will follow Mass in St. Mary’s School gymnasium.
The Mass will be broadcast on Catholic Radio WILB AM1060, FM94.5 and FM89.5 at 2pm. It will also be live on YouTube and on the Shrine and WILB’s Facebook pages.
For more information, please call the Shrine office at (330) 833-8478 or email: